How to change IP address in Vesta Control Panel or VestaCP , Yes there may be situations like this recently my provder asked me to change the IP address of the server as part of some hardware upgrade , So I don’t have any other choice to avoid this. There is an old script available […]
Vesta CP with Ngx-Apache-PHP-FPM configuration is good for performce but some time you may face some odd issues like your update on the php.ini files are good but that is not reflecting in the phpinfo or your application. It is becuase just editing the php.ini configuration on the installtion path doesn’t work as expected. First […]
Try Linux on AMD Ryzen 4000 series processors ? Yep its bit complicated at this time with AMD New processors series work with Linux versions, You will get most of the features works well, but few small bugs that may not be able to use the laptop on Linux like the screen brightness control , […]
How to enable pem file based authentication in Vesta CP on AWS ? Yea this is important and interesting usually AWS EC2 enables pem file based authentication but when you use the Vetsa CP on the EC2 the setup get override by Vesta CP. Especially when you chose Debian as an OS on EC2 there […]
MySQL auto backup on every hour or every 30 min is that really cool right ? Yes now its most important to take backup of the database even every minute if possible. The cyber security is most important now days and lot of new script kiddies and pro hackers out there. The website security is […]
How to install OCI8 extension for PHP Oracle development ? you may think is quite easy and just one step mentioned in the those are just in dreams or some luck. otherwise you have to drill down to all the steps to get it works. Recently I had a PHP Oracle project , I […]
Laravel admin template with acl support is a premium product for large scale application development , this admin template component is compatible for Laravel 5.2 or above , developed in Laravel 5.3 and support for Laravel 5.2 also. The Laravel admin template comes in two versions , one is with full package combined the platform […]
How to load hikashop product variant dynamically ? When you’re using hikashop product variant with color , size combinations you may face some issues, with color or size not loading dynamically. like an example you may have three color Red,Blue and Green. also Red have two size 4 and 5 , Blue has one size […]
How to create bootable USB with terminal in Linux machine ? Yea there is no need of any other software for formatting and making bootable USB from ISO file. you can simply use your terminal program and complete the task. Some time other software may failed or returned error while making bootable usb, but this […]
Vesta CP common bug fix after installation on your VPS or Dedicated Server, Yea there is few common bugs in the Vesta CP , last few time I faced those issue with many of my VPS. So I think this article will help you to fix the issues may comes after Vesta CP installation. Vesta panel […]