Joomla is a powerful CMS used for shopping cart, Blogs, classifieds etc..The extensions libraries of joomla and its supporting forum is awesome .Thousand of programmers globally supports and clear and standards tutorials and so on.
How to load hikashop product variant dynamically ? When you’re using hikashop product variant with color , size combinations you may face some issues, with color or size not loading dynamically. like an example you may have three color Red,Blue and Green. also Red have two size 4 and 5 , Blue has one size […]
Joomla Social share icons on image hover is based on my one of the WordPress plugin Now I’m releasing same plugin for Joomla users too. Its a unique plugin in WordPress , hope in Joomla too. There are many plugins in JED that enable social share options , but what my Joomla social share icons […]
Virtuemart waiting list Dashboard module is a cool Joomla module, that simply provide a quick over view of the product waiting list. That have all basic information Product name, Product Sku and number of customers waiting. The module is compatible with all version and . The module have more filter options to show the statistics […]
Override Joomla core or 3rd party classes without editing the core ? Sounds like great right ? Yes there is already solution for this in Joomla. Yep Joomla is always smart you can simply create a System plugin with Overrides class name and load the entire class from your custom path. We already know the […]
How to Upgrade Joomla 2.5.x to Joomla 3.x without loosing data ? Joomla upgrade is not an easy task like WordPress site Upgrade Why ? bcoz of the API features and all. WordPress is mainly focused on blog system so the core is small in files and API also small number of DB tables. When […]
Joomla media file optimize plugin can be used to create different instance of your media files especially your banner images. This plugin is dealing with banner images and assumes that all the images, So basically the images in other location they do not create instances this is due to I hard code the path in […]
HikaShop zoom image pro is a Joomla standard plugin can be used to create a nice Zoom effect on your HikaShop shopping cart. This plugin offers four different zoom modes with a beautiful more image slider. HikaShop zoom image pro will works with latest version of and . New Version available now with […]
Virtuemart calculation plugin Offers a wide verity of powerful options to the system. The VM2.x is designed in a way that more powerful plugin and modules can be added on the way of upgrading versions. Here I will explain a simple Virtuemart calculation plugin with custom rules. Why Virtuemart keeps Tax and Calculations in a […]
Adding stylesheet and scripts using JDocument class in Joomla is the most standard way of adding them to head section. Here I will give you some tricks for some situations , we have to add some scripts in the page after the template styles or scripts. We know that the standard script and stylesheet adding […]
How to disable Joomla registration component completely ? Some time we required such a situations , yes some website don’t need registration or login facility so How to remove or disable entire registartion component of a Joomla site. Joomla registration and login functionality are handled by component and module. You can simply disable the registration […]