Google URL Shortener Api is really cute and simple to use also it provide a 1,000,000 requests/day its sufficient for medium size applications. The short url’s is really important in social media platform specially twitter. There are several blog post and official Google Client Libraries available for Google URL Shortener Api using PHP, but most […]
Google Content API for shopping provides a much better options over the XML Feed or Excel sheet on Google Merchant center. When we compare to XML feed a single update to the product is need to update the entire file and it gives much load to the user. Content API for shopping is playing an […]
Writing images to the excel sheet using phpexcel class is a great feature , using this method we can draw the images inside the excel column it looks good and nice to have images with some descriptions. While working on an Import/Export system I have noticed this facility of PHPExcel its really good and easy, […]
How to reading images from Excel Sheet using phpExcel ? Ya its very interesting and useful, An attached image of excel can be read and upload to server directory is, simplifying the file upload too. Ok lets check how can we reading images from Excel Sheet using PHPExcel. Here I’am using PHPExcel Version PHPExcel 1.7.9 […]
Now Oauth library is familiar to everyone , Post to twitter using PHP Oauth API 1.1 is pretty simple and easy to manage all the operation like read/write/get status etc. This article will help you to create a post to your twitter account , this is using Oauth method so you can tweets anyone’s account […]
Welcome back to iContact API with PHP using iContact api 2.2 provides a wide range of API call for our requirement.In my previous post I am already explained the basic operations in iContact API with php.How to move subscription between list and adding news list etc. Here I am just explaining some new custom functions […]
These days playing with icontact email marketing system with php api really kills my time for some operations. iContact api integration using php here i just explain what we can do with icontact api 2.2 and what we can’t achieve. First of all the icontact api is most similar to mailchimp . lot of options […]
Dropbox file upload api using php Oauth is very interesting and pretty simple. Now these days its very important to upload users files to the storage spaces like Dropbox,Google drive etc.The main advantage on this system is we don’t need to lost our server space for storing those files and some graphics kind of things […]
Amazon S3 Server provides large disk space for the web data storage the complete advantage of the cloud computing is another example of S3 sever .The Amazon S3 file upload using the php api is now pretty simple and most secure.The most advantage of the system is the code running server (EC2) and File storage […]
Hotmail Contact list reader API or MSN Oauth API is used for importing the contact list from MSN account .Now these days it is very important to get the contact list of MSN account for several web applications. How they simply get those Hotmail contact list ? with no other security issue the answer is […]