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How to disable Joomla registration component completely

How to disable Joomla registration component completely ? Some time we required such a situations , yes some website don’t need registration or login facility so How to remove or disable entire registartion component of a Joomla site.

Joomla registration and login functionality are handled by com_users component and login module. You can simply disable the registration form using administrator panel User Manager section.

disable Joomla registration component completely

disable Joomla registration component completely

 Login to Administrator -> Users Menu -> User Manager -> Options (from tool bar) -> Allow User Registration set to No 

The above option will disable the entire registration form but login module still remains in the front end section. So How to disable or remove that? Its a core Joomla module also its protected, unable to edit from Joomla administrator you can find the module by following path.

 Login to Administrator -> Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Manage -> Search for "login " module 
Disable Joomla Registration Component

Disable Joomla Registration Component

You can see that the module named login and location is site , its locked that why you are seeing a login form in the following URL after disabling the registration component from back end.

Ultimately we do not required such a form too, So we have many options to disable the login form but we prefer the standard method than editing core files.

Method 1 :

You can use htaccess to redirect the above URL to 404 page or default home page .

Method 2 :

Template Override you can override the Joomla com_users component in your template folder, and make that login layout is not available, or with a custom message. for using this method create default.php file and put it in the following path with your custom message. templates\your_template_folder\html\com_users\login\default.php . templates\your_template_folder\html\com_users\reset\default.php . templates\your_template_folder\html\com_users\remind\default.php .

Method 3 :

Making the protected login module unlocked and disable using MYSQL , The Joomla extensions are saving in the #__extensions table so check the extension name with “mod_login” and type is “module” make it column name enable value to “0”. (This method may failed in latest Joomla versions. 3.x) So in that case you can use any of the above method.

Hope this article will help you to disable Joomla registration component completely.
