wireless network not detecting on Debian (Linux mint) in HP laptop
Wireless network not detecting on Debian ? Yes, I think this is a common issue faced in laptops when we switching from Windows to Linux.
Recently I had also same issue , When I switch my OS to Linux Mint the Wifi network didn’t detect automatically and I searched a lot for figure out the hardware driver. finally found an easy and simple solution for Wifi issue.
The first thing you have to check is what device is providing the Wifi on your laptop (the chip set and hardware name you can get by running following commands on your terminal.
lspci | grep -i wireless
lspci | egrep -i --color 'wifi|wlan|wireless'
Once you run the first line you will be able to figure out which hardware set is used in your laptop.
In my case I’m using HP Pavilion G6 and my hardware set for Wifi is “Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)”.
Once you found which one is used in your PC next step is find the Debian driver for that simply search on the web you will get proper result , If you’rs is same as mine or Broadcom Corporation.
you can fix that easily.
This is the link for Debian driver for Broadcom chipsets there you can find a lot of versions of chip set using same hardware patch. so simply add that to your source list and install or get update from the source URL , simply follow the steps.
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
//then add the following url to the file and save it.
deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ wheezy main contrib non-free
//Now updates the list of all packages available
apt-get update && apt-get install firmware-brcm80211
The driver may already inserted on your system in that case you have to reinsert it by following commands
sudo modprobe -r brcmsmac
sudo modprobe brcmsmac
The above commands first remove the driver then insert it again. Sometimes you may face “modprobe” is not a command so you have to run the entire path with the error showing.
Then simply restart the system Now check your wifi option It should detect !. Yep you solved wireless network not detecting on Debian (Linux mint) in Laptop computer. Like every open source developers I love to work on Linux this is the first step to fix the WiFi issue on your Laptop so rest issue you can search on the Web !.